Resident Evil 4: Otome Edition (Shimmersoft)

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2004. It was the year when millions of players assumed the role of rookie cop-turned-secret agent Leon S. Kennedy as he traveled to rural Spain in pursuit of Ashley Graham, the president's missing daughter. A watershed moment in gaming, Resident Evil 4 was a reinvention of both its series and its genre - not to mention one hell of a party.

More importantly, Leon had amazing hair. Oh, and he flipped over lasers. For many, he entered the hallowed halls of video game heartthrobs in the same way he crashed through two-story windows: suddenly and with swag.

But we all know Leon's story. What about Ashley's? For the players of Resident Evil 4, she is, at best, an objective; at worst, a liability. A human cog in a well-oiled gameplay machine. But what if she was more than that? What if she was an interesting person, thrust into a crazy world with crazier men who run the gamut from hottie to hellspawn? How would she narrate this nightmare and who would she actually fall for?

Wonder no more. This is her story. This is RE4: Otome Edition.
Relive the events of Resident Evil 4, faithfully recreated from Ashley's perspective - and with exactly as much absurdity as that entails!
Kindle your relationship with a host of eligible bachelors, including the stoic Leon, the mysterious Luis, the evasive Merchant, or perhaps even the conniving Lord Saddler!*
Discover what happened to Ashley in the scenes you never saw, such as her initial kidnapping, her imprisonment on a wall, Salazar's ritual, and more!Make decisions that leave you questioning whether you're really in control!Full Game Length: 5-7 hours (based on reading speed, replays)Part I Release Date: January 25, 2020Full Release Date: March 22, 2021Gameplay Style: Lightly Branching Visual Novel

DISCLAIMER: RE4: Otome Edition is a parody and thus subject to Fair Use. We are not in any way affiliated with or endorsed by Capcom. All rights belong to their respective owners. If you haven't played Resident Evil 4 yet, you probably should. Fortunately, it's on most every major gaming platform.
* Okay, well, not Lord Saddler, but as for the others, you'll just have to play to find out!
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Last Modified: Jun 4, 2022

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