Reversed (Alex Silalahi)
Reversed is a 2D RPG revolving around mysteries and puzzle solving. The player plays as Mike Insen, a former criminal reincarnated as a detective in the town of Pazura. In exchange for this second chance, Mike must solve a certain number of cases as his "punishment" in order to return to his final mission.
Currently, the player can play through Case 1: A Child’s Request. Mike must find the truth behind Akira Gow's mysterious disappearance for a kid named Kai Chochi, who gives him his first case. But is everything as it seems? Was Akira truly kidnapped... or murdered? Or is something else at play here?
Message from the developer: Hi! My name is Alex! Thanks for checking out this game! This game is in-development from a college project I worked on, meaning that not all the chapters are out yet. If you notice any bugs or have any feedback for me, please let me know in the comments. :)