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Entered for 666ames Made Quick???

This is a very early build of an old school maze crawler for the Gameboy.  Wander the as of yet single floor maze and stab the as of yet sedate monsters that show up in random encounters!

In the spirit of transparency, the maze drawing, random encounter trigger and combat room loading routines were already working by the time I started this jam, but loading monsters and everything else involving combat were not. My goal was to get a working combat system up and running by the end of the week, and I've got something that I hope communicates what I'm trying to achieve. I'll let you be the judge of my success!

There are some bugs involving incorrect collision maps in some of the combat rooms, but I don't think any of them require a reset... just some bumping around. There is only one perma-selected weapon and the monsters have no AI routines, nor even working animation. You also can't interact with any of the maze decorations yet.

Controls in the maze:

Up: Step forward

Down: Step Backward

Left: Turn Left

Right: Turn Right

Controls in Combat:

D-Pad: Move Rho around as how you'd expect/Move the targeting reticle

A: Ready sword for attack/Execute attack

B:Nothing/Cancel attack

Because of the quirky hardware, the screen will briefly flash or blink during transitions. I tried to minimize this with light shaded tilesets, but please be aware of it.

I intend to upload major updates here as I go, so any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Release date
Denebola Interactive
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jul 4, 2022

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