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The latest title in the RIDGE RACER franchise, RIDGE RACER Unbounded gears up to carve its own destructive path with a new breed of arcade racing.
RIDGE RACER Unbounded brings an unexpected dimension to the series, delivering an original blast of ferocious racing adrenaline. Join the Unbounded street racing gang, lead by Kara Shindo, and test your driving skills against rivals in every street and alley of Shatter Bay. Prove your worth, get respect and expand your turf. Key FeaturesCrash through everything - Cutting edge physics and effects combine to bring direct destruction like you’ve never seen before. Unleash your rage to obliterate everything in your way and carve your own path.
Race in urban environments - Shatter Bay lives by its own rules and is ripe for being torn apart by the overpowered vehicles rampaging through its many areas, including the commercial zone, refinery, port, and high-rise construction site.
New breed of racing machines - Traditional racing machines are out and dozens of badass street machines are in, including the legendary RIDGE RACER Angel and Devil cars.

Release date
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America
Bugbear Entertainment
Bandai Namco Entertainment, BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment US
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for PC

  • OS:Windows XP, Vista SP2 32-bit, 7. [Windows up to date and latest service pack installed]
  • Processor:Dual Core Athlon x2 2.6 GHz or Intel Equivalent
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • Graphics:512 MB RAM, ATI Radeon 4850 or higher, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or higher
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:3 GB HD space
  • Sound:DirectX Compatible
  • Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
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Last Modified: Jan 18, 2025

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox 360 Store

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44 games
7 cakes
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Ridge Racer Unbounded - First Look Debut Trailer | HD
Feb 4, 2011
Ridge Racer Unbounded - Gameplay
Apr 2, 2012
Ridge Racer Unbounded - Video Review
Apr 3, 2012
Ridge Racer Unbounded: Part 1 (Walkthrough/Gameplay) - Introduction/First Two Races (Xbox 360/PS3)
Mar 30, 2012
Ridge Racer Unbounded - Katastrofa i naleśnik!
May 28, 2012
Remigiusz Ma...
Ridge Racer Unbounded PC - EPIC DESTRUCTION HD Gameplay max settings 1080p
Apr 20, 2013
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PB: Ridge Racer Unbounded Any% in 2:44:02
Lower Eastside: Event 4 - Wheels of Mayhem (Domination Race)
Ridge Racer: Unbounded (PC) - Any% Speedrun in [2:45:06]
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RIDGE RACER Unbounded reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
After I had a long time and started to play a Racing Game again, I once scoured The corresponding Steam Department. And then I discovered this Game. Ridge Racer, formerly this Series stood for cool Arcade racing Experience, but what about Unbounded now. The Reviews are mixed. And since it was On offer in the Sale for 2.50, why not. And now that I have been running the Game in the Rush Procedure with 6 Hours of Play, I have to say through Out of understanding of it. You can't complain about the Graphics, it doesn't look great but also not bad, just solid. Occasionally the Game crashed to me, but I have no memory losses to complain about. The Gameplay itself was such a Thing in itself. It's pure Arcade. Simulators have nothing of it, leave your Fingers off it. What I also noticed is that the Game itself has no elements of its own, but has used a lot from Split/Second and the Burnout Series. So the two Games have what with each other and that came at the point. And you can't be proud of it. The Boosting System is more tactical In nature which is not bad in itself, BUT effectively you get the only by drifting or by Fulfilling goals in the Game. And through Boosts you can only kick out Opponents, other Possibilities need to edit it permanently until it finally works and if only very rarely the Case. Boosting as a Tactical Means is fine only the dependence on it is not the real One. That's made Burnout a lot Better. What I found funny at first, but in the course Of the process only got boring is the Destruction. You drive like a Tank through everything that is not niet and brand resistant. Because the other Passengers sometimes do the same thing, one sometimes only Has Scree in front of you that blocks your View. The Game Modes are also just stolen together, but don't make any of their own Invades. Stop Crash races, Classic, Drift Races, Time Races etc. stop the Standard Package. Multiplayer no longer works because the Servers have already been switched off, which in itself is an Indicator that the Game was not very Successful. As a Conclusion, I can only say, for 2.50 it was fine. I wouldn't touch it for the Standard Price of 10.00 Euros.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
The Potential would have been there, but with a 1.5GB Game you should keep expectations low (even if it's from the Developers of Next Car Game and Flatout and the Publisher Is Namco Bandai). Looks graphically very concise, and you drive as on Rails, Nitro and Drifting are only actions that are triggered, the Length cannot be taken, which is why you almost always bounce against the Wall, because you only wanted to drift a small Curve for a short time, but the Drift did not Wants to stop. And the Nitro goes about 3s long, even if you only want to accelerate briefly, which is usually in a Spin. The Soundtrack is lame and the Opponents OP. All in all, a gossipy "Racing Game," because it does not tear out the Possibility of rushing through Houses at The Touch of a button with Nitro. Reminds me of the innovation poverty of the new NFS parts, but They have more than 5 [Edit: 5 per Type of race, of which there are 4 or 5 so far, but still a little] (!!!, who comes up with the shitty Idea?!?! The Remaining Things can be picked up in the 2-Pack for €1.99per each, no thanks. And the first Car drives very weakly despite Gamepad, the Delay is most annoying). Is not worth more than a few euros, and I would think carefully about that. And Edge Magazine: "One of the most subversive, sublime street-racing games ever made." I don't think an NFS MW/Underground has ever played there before. And that with driving through the house is not sublime, certainly not. Xbox Magazine UK says that the Editor is ' brilliant ', in the Beginning you can choose between 3 Types of road and about 10 Objects to Display, but there is not always an editor who always comes to-mist, the Name grade does not come to mind, in any Case there were the Arenas and d He Editor really geil-was better by Light years, there were also more Cars and the most Important thing: It just MADE SPASS, and the damn lot. http://www.edge-online.com/review/ridge-racer-unbounded-review/What a Good Pacidity that are bought and the Screenshots Render Pictures, so it definitely does not look like Ingame. Luckily, I got it for free, otherwise I'd be annoyed to have given money away. I'm going to try a few more Modes when I finally manage the first Race (and it's not my first Racing Game) ...
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