You are Ayuka Ayano, a young woman living in rural 19th century Japan in a desolate village, independent from the rest of society, and a samurai in training being taught by her father, until an unknown source starts spawning dimensional rifts on Earth causing all sorts of living nightmares into our dimension. Ayuka's village has been abducted by the monsters from the other dimensions, including her father. Alone, she must traverse the Earth to save her family and friends, discover the origins of the dimensional rifts and find out how to terminate them and the creatures from within. Save Japan, save the world.
Rifts is an action based platformer. Although certain assets and gameplay mechanics are not currently present in the game the final product will consist of fast paced action with melee and shooting mechanics with a strong emphasis on character development with multiple weapons, equipment and upgrades found throughout the game's runtime.
Disclaimer: Rifts is currently in early prototype builds.
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