Rising From the Roots
“Rising From the Roots” is a hybrid visual novel that encapsulates the heart-felt Greek mythological narrative of Narcissus with several exciting mini game experiences. Follow Echo through her emotional journey to discover herself and recover her loved one. Through her journey she meets others who raise and challenge her determination, strengthening her resolve to save Narcissus.
The Game Jam theme “We rise by lifting others” is portrayed by the crucial decisions Echo is faced with, which spotlights her selfless nature. The power of kindness is reflected through her actions and positive return seen throughout the story.
Game Features:
+ Interactive visual novel story with fully original splash artworks and character designs.
+ Three mini games with different genres with original pixel-style assets.
+ Original background music, soundtracks and sound effects.
+ Mouse to interact with visual novel dialogue
+ Arrow keys for minigames
+ Spacebar to jump for platformer minigame
Zi Lin Wang - Developer, Writer (https://www.linkedin.com/in/zilinw/)
Jennifer Chen - Developer, Artist
Sam Zeng - Developer
Jessica Liu - Developer
Rayman Tang - Developer (https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymantang/)
Angela Xu - Artist, Writer (https://linktr.ee/angelaxu)
Jennifer Gao - Musician, Sound Designer, Artist
Johnny Yang - Musician, Sound Designer ( https://soundcloud.com/johnny-yang-365546710 )