Road Block (andydouglas)
The object is to draw a ROUTE from each Circle to its corresponding Square and BACK again so that none collide when they are travelling.
Click/Touch a Circle to start the route then select points along the paths so that they connect to the Square and Back without colliding with anything. When you select the Circle for the second time the route is saved.
You can DOUBLE BACK or pass through a TARGET (Square), but you can't double back anywhere else as it would be cheating and will remove the route.
Press the PLAY button after drawing your route, and the FAST button to speed up or slow again (but don't press Play again).
Press STOP to return all Circles to their base (following a collision).
Any of the ROUTES can be redrawn at any time.
Double Click (tap) a Circle to cancel it's route. (Only do this when back at base).
Press Restart only if you are really stuck as it will delete all the existing routes.