RoboBoy Adventures
RoboBoy Adventures [Video Game (Computer Software)] [v1.3.4 Build 12]
Developed by: Moonwalk Entertainment: Video Game Division (A branch of Moonwalk Entertainment (A company of Kickster Enterprises))
Published by: Moonwalk Entertainment (A company of Kickster Enterprises)
Owned by: Kickster Enterprises
You are Alpha, the last remaining guy from the RoboBoy race. Your kind is in danger, as the evil scientist, Dr. Vikram Phaaltu, is DESTROYING the RoboBoy race with his deadly virus. OH, NO!!!
But there IS still hope, as a really really good guy, Prof. Sri Sri Sri Aditya Chandra has successfully developed an antidote for use against Dr. Phaaltu's deadly invention. Aditya has told you to bring the antidote he made from one of his old trophies inside an old warehouse he owns. But BEWARE! That pesky Dr. Phaaltu has set up his clever (and irritating) traps everywhere!
So, what're you waiting for? Fetch the antidote and save the RoboBoy race!!!