RobZ (Starsheep Studio)
What is RobZ?
RobZ is a cross-platform 2D top-down pirate game where you play as captain of the seven seas, trying to gain fame and reputation through scuttling ennemies and boarding merchant ships.
More infos here.
RobZ has several solo and multiplayer modes:
- Golden Run: the main solo mode, where the player tries to get the best score possible by boarding as many merchant ships as possible (Score is recorded for Online leaderboard and gold you save in this mode is usable for stores)
- Challenge: a solo mode where the player tries to survive as long as possible
- Free For All (FFA): a multiplayer mode where the objective is to sink a certain number of ships
- Online Golden Run: a multiplayer mode, similar to the solo Golden Run
- Team Deathmatch (TDM): a team match where the objective is to reduce the ennemies’ fleet to 0
Dynamic environment:
- Destructible buildings
- Life in the cities: the citiy's NPCs are living their life, doing menial chores, etc... But what would happen if one of your bullets happened to cross their path?
You can gain XP and gold to buy new ships, upgrades and items them from your lair
Cross-inputs ready
- Icons displayed switch according to your controller
- You can customise your keyboard bindings in the 'Options' menu
Cross-play: Windows, Linux and Android (Play store)
This an early access for free, RobZ still in developpement, we will add new updates regularly.
Feedback is highly appreciated :)
We hope you'll enjoy it!
-------------Top 5 World's Best Captains (Golden Run)------------