Rogue Poker
A poker-based puzzle crawler.
Battle an interdimensional beast with poker hands.
Made in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 41. Follow me on Twitter →
Donations welcome via PayPal → Rules & Controls
Made in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 41. Follow me on Twitter →
Donations welcome via PayPal → Rules & Controls
- Click on tiles adjacent to you to move there – diagonally as well!
- Pick up cards by moving on them
- Build 5-card poker hands then attack the beast
- The higher the poker hand the more damage you do
- The beast attacks you every 3 turns
- Moving through portals gets you a fresh deal of cards
- Fixed a poker hand evaluation bug
- Added HTML version
- Fixed game breaking bug: clicking on the title screen multiple times makes game unlosable
- UX fixes:
- Attack arrow shouldn’t stay after losing cards in a portal
- Short pause before win/loss screen fade so it’s possible to parse what happened