Average Playtime: 9 hours

Root Double -Before Crime * After Days- Xtend Edition

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The year is 2030. Business is as usual in the isolated research city of Rokumei–that is until several explosions suddenly go off in the nuclear research facility known as “LABO.” The city sends in “Sirius,” an elite rescue squad, to deal with the situation. But the situation only gets worse when LABO’s nuclear reactor melts down, sending the facility into lockdown–with members of Sirius and survivors still trapped inside. With lethal radiation leaking everywhere and not enough anti-radiation medication to last until lockdown lifts, the survivors make more and more grim discoveries. In their struggle for survival, in a deathtrap full of fire and radiation, they learn that doubt is their greatest enemy, and trust their greatest asset.
The story of Root Double features two different protagonists: Watase Kasasagi, a rescue squad captain who has lost his memories in the hours after the incident, and Natsuhiko Tenkawa, a student piecing together the clues in the six days before. The only key to survival lies in the player’s hands with the Senses Sympathy System (SSS). Unlike traditional visual novels, Root Double does not have clear cut “choices,” but rather, the game uses SSS to allow the player to manipulate the story based purely upon emotion. Your emotions projected upon the characters, particularly your trust in them, shape the progression of the story. Only with effective use of this system and completion of both protagonists’ stories can the player piece together the truth and hope to discover a way out of the facility.

Release date
Sekai Project
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Microsoft Windows Vista/7/8/8.1 (Compatible with 32 bit and 64 bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or better.
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Monitor capable of displaying 1280x1024 32 bit True Color
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 8 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: Pixel Shader 2.0 & SSE2 support required
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Last Modified: Apr 14, 2023

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Root Double -Before Crime * After Days- Xtend Edition reviews and comments

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Microsoft from Russian
So, Root Double. Novella, which is compared with a series of Infinity, which includes Ever17, Remember11 and Never7 (which, surprisingly, little known). After Such comparisons, expect something that you will have to fall jaw to the floor on each story turn, and well-written characters, whose stories hook you up with such force, that you will worry about them all the soul and pour crocodiles tears On bad, and even good endings (just don't tell me that I was the one who sobbed at the "good" ending of Sora in Ever17). In Other words, expectations are getting very inflated. Whether their game was Justified. It's Hard to say... Initially we have two runes available. Ruth A gives us a story on behalf of Vatas Kasanagagi, the captain of the rescue team, who went to rescue people in the research complex where the disaster occurred. His story is a mixture of thriller and film-catastrophe in a confined space. And this story Shedevralna. It keeps in suspense throughout the reading. The Characters are interesting, they develop, and we gradually open the secrets of the research complex. In General, I have no complaints about this rune. Absolutely. And if the whole game was such... Ruth B, which is also available initially, can be described as a simulator Fleshbekov. Yes, here is told about the entire game world and its features. Also Here we see a story that takes place 6 days before the events of Ruta A, and containing a bunch of spoilers to it, because of what to start the game with Ruta B, I do not recommend (in general it is unclear why it was available initially). And the mood of the Ruta is completely different-here we have a simulator of school days about children with superpowers, a pinch of action and interesting plot twists in the last chapter. And also a pile of Flešbekov. As written in one of the reviews below, the following happens-the story takes a step forward, and then two steps back. Given the general scarcity of events, this route is quite difficult to read. I am Sure that many will want to drop the game on it, and I understand them perfectly. But The history of schoolchildren ends and opens Ruth C, and behind him and Ruth D, which reveal all the cards and complete the story. Now the heat will begin... Yes, now! Ruth C is a solid flashback, answering a bunch of questions Ruta A... But it's a flashback, just on the face of another character. A Ruth D... It is a mixture of Ruta A and.. FLEŠBEKOV (More Flishbekov to God Fleshbekov)! There are dozens of Them, and everything is quite lengthy, which is very much stops the plot. By the way, he's a born. Do Not expect from him revelations and brain-like in the Games of the Infinity series, or the same Gates of Steiner, DANGANRONPE or Muve-Luwe. ALL events receive quite simple explanation and it is impossible to tell, that strongly surprise. What is surprising is the local electoral system. It is quite unusual, and I must say, organically woven into the plot, but in practice... Works it sucks. The Point is that we, at certain points, need to move the sliders of confidence in a particular character. There are a lot of Divisions, but in fact only 3 are necessary, and how the character will react to change of this slider is not always clear. In General, the developers wanted to come up with an interesting fiction, but implemented it sucks. After passing the novel on the true ending, thought that it put-a finger down or up. The expectations were Too high. But weighing all for and against, still put a finger up. The Game is good, it is a quality product. The Plot, though not surprising especially, but hard shot down and you want to know how it will end. High quality Painting, music is pleasant. But... Here, probably, each individual, but I have not hooked the game emotionally at all (well though lying, a couple of moments tsepuli, but there were only 2 or 3 for the whole game). The Ever17... Yes hell, in Never7, you worry about each character, want to know his story, save.... And here it is not. At all. Well, though, in Rue A, there are such characters, but in Rue B all the characters do only one thing-the demons. My Personal Score-7/10, for excellent Ruth A, technical design, and in general for a good story (but not great). But The local system of elections, and the submission of a huge layer of history through the Flešbecki spoils everything. If you were looking for something like a series of infinity, take away from the Game 2 ball and decide whether you want to spend money on it. If you are just looking for a good novel-then boldly cover 1-2 points and take the game.
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