Root Spread
You are the last tree on earth, try to spread your roots as far as you can. You'll need to survive the danger of the wild life. To do so, manage your energy and water production to survive.
The goal of the game is to survive the longest. You are the big tree at the center of the map. Enemies will try to destroy it. To protect yourself, you can expand your roots by clicking on any adjacent tile of your tree. (A button should appear above the tile). Once a root is on a tile, you can "upgrade it" by building a plant on top of it. You can hover your mouse over the button to get more information. Depending of the type of tile, you can build different types of plants.
Each plant has a cost in Sun. (It's just like money). Each plant also consumes water over time. If you don't have any more water, your main tree will start losing life. There is 4 types of plants :
- Mushrooms : They create a cloud of toxic gas that damages surrounding ennemies.
- Leaf : They give you more "Sun" per seconds.
- Cactus : Throw spikes at ennemies
- Lilypad : They give you more "Water" per seconds.
Any plant disconnected from the root system stops working, so you'll need to reconnect a new root if it is destroyed.
Controls :
W-A-S-D to move
Q and E to rotate the camera
Space to go back to main tree
Mouse to select tiles