Rover (Jahwffrey)

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Gameplay Tips:

Rover is all about using your movement resources careful and knowing what all your buttons do, so the very first screen has a very tough learning curve. Stick with it and I think you'll find some really interesting jumps and movement puzzles behind the finicky controls. Below you will find a full description of the controls and then explanations on how to get past some of the common areas people get stuck due to unhelpful in-game text. Good luck out there, Rover!

Controls Explained:

  • 'A' and 'D': Left and right, pretty standard. Hold to move. If you are in the air and you let go of left/right, you will continue the direction you were going with little friction, however if you are moving left in the air and start to hold right (or vice-versa), you will very quickly start moving the direction you pressed.
  • 'W': Jump! Hold to hover (this happens any time you reach the peak of an ascent - see if you can find ways to hover multiple times before touching the ground!). If you are already descending and press 'W', your descent speed will be halved once (you will then proceed to accelerate downward again).
  • 'S': Stop! Hold it in the air to stop moving forward  (without pressing left or right!). Hold it on the ground to prevent moving left or right (such as while waiting for your shot to reach a good location).
  • 'J': Shoot! Fire a large blast from your rocket boots that travels quickly while 'J' is held and slowly after 'J' is released. You will be pushed away from the direction you fire, but this adds to your current velocity rather than replacing it. Land on your shot from above to bounce off and get a free jump!
  • 'K': When pressed, your velocity immediately halves and turns the opposite direction. At slow speeds this can act as a kind of re-adjustment to hit targets, a way to extend hovers, and more. At high speeds it acts as a powerful maneuvering tool and mastering it is required to get many of the bonus coins. Holding this button does nothing.

Common sticking points:

  • S + J, Then A:
    • Use your 'W' to jump on top of the platform, then hold 'S' and press 'J' to shoot downwards, thereby knocking yourself upwards. Let go of 'S' and now hold 'A' to move left and onto the next checkpoint!
  • There's a stalactite in Deimos with an unlabelled arrow in-front and I can't shoot it:
    • Walk up to it and then stop by holding 'S' (still holding 'A') while right in-front of it until the stalactite falls on it's own. It was not clearly show beforehand that stalactites behave this way and I'm sorry for that one.
  • I'm stuck behind a ledge in Phobos and the checkpoint is gone:
    • There's a place in Phobos where you can collect a checkpoint, go left to get an optional coin, then go right and now find that your spawn point in that room is more difficult than before. I promise you, the room is still beatable, and in-fact this doesn't affect at least the intended solution. As a hint, you jump high enough by shooting down-right to jump on the grey bouncers (I call them 'Spikeydoos'), and remember that Jolting can also turn upward speed downward!
Good Luck!
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Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Aug 9, 2019

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