RPG in a Box (Demo Game Hub)
The Demo Game Hub is a collection of small example games that were created with RPG in a Box. It's meant as a fun way of demonstrating the current capabilities of the engine and the variety of styles that are possible. The hub itself is even created with RPG in a Box! It's also a great way to check out the engine before diving in and creating a game yourself. At this time, only the official example game and Iolo's hut from Ultima V are included, but more games will be added soon!
Last Updated: March 1st, 2018
ControlsLeft Click: Move player, interact with character or object
W/A/S/D/Q/E: Walk/turn/strafe (first-person)
Right Click + Drag: Rotate camera
Scroll Wheel: Zoom in/out
Space: Proceed through messsages/dialogue, end combat turn
I: Toggle inventory
M: Toggle minimap
ESC: Open pause menu
RPG in a Box on Itch.io: https://zeromatrix.itch.io/rpginabox
RPG in a Box on IndieDB: http://www.indiedb.com/engines/rpginabox
Main Menu music and Example Game music by Josh Penn-Pierson.