Run from ⭐⭐SPACE⭐⭐
Space is very unpleasant place to be. Vacuum, coldness, space demons...
Find the portal that will take you home!
You need to do your best to RUN FROM SPACE
[We highly encourage you to give a try to the PC version, if it's possible! Impression from the game will be much better! 😉]
[[Post ludum dare version is in development now! Stay tuned!]]
You can reload only when you stand on the back ground. When you are grounded you also regenerate your health! Hook range is limited, and it's hard to shoot demons from great distances, so try to keep them close!
This is our first project on LudumDare and we are super excited about it, thanks for your comments and attention!
⭐Please-please-please rate our game if you liked it, it would be super great for us <3⭐