Runic Dungeons
In Runic Dungeons, you play as an adventurer as they explore, loot and defeat enemies in an endless arcane dungeon where your survival comes down to your skill at arms and ability to seek out items that you can use on your quest!
- Select Character(Note: If it looks like it loads then returns to character select, try again - it means the dungeon didn't build correctly)
- Explore Dungeon
- Defeat Enemies
- Slay boss
- Progress to next floor?
Android - All controls are on-screen buttons
Controller/Keyboard - Action Left Stick/WASD - Move Button South(A)/E - Interact Button West(X)/LmB - Attack Button East(B)/Q - Use Item Dpad Up/Z - Map Dpad Left/X - Character Screen Dpad Down/C - MenuNext Planned Features
- End of Floor screen showing progress (Kills, deaths, time, etc.)
- More Loot
- Tier 2 & 3 items (I.e. level 5 & 10 starting gear)
Known Bugs
- Swap/Loot issues - Occasionally the swap/trade screens won't behave as intended, still investigating this
- If you swap an item but get something you weren't expecting, try the chest prior to that one and it might be there
- End room audio - End room audio doesn't play, or if it does it just plays loud static
- Archer weapon - the archer's weapon isn't held in the correct place