Sakhaline Station
// Entry for the Adventure Jam 2020. Made in 9 days.
Sakhalin Station is an adventure mystery game.
// Controls : Arrows to move and jump / Arrow down to Interact
The story is about Frank Beaumont, a french/english analyst sent to an offshore russian oil rig to investigate. He is transported there by a russian helicopter and told by the russian scientists to observe and report to them. Upon his arrival, something is off about the oil rig. No sign of life.
The player would have to investigate and find his way into rig labyrinth.
As it seems the russian scientists were digging deep into the ocean crust for a very dangerous substance.
Explore and discover the truth of what really happens on Sakhalin Arctic Station.
// Credits:
Programming/Art .........Matthieu Tondeur (twitter)
Puzzle/Debugging.........Henrique Catarrunas
Sound Supervisor.........Gabriel Bancaud
Original Score...........Maxime Lenik
Dialogues................Dylan DiMaggio
// Voice Actors:
Frank Beaumont...............Andy Manjuck (twitter)
Scientist....................Mikal Grant
Pilot/advisor/boss...........Edwyn Tiong (twitter)
Please let use any comments and feedbacks, we wish to know about you experiencing the game! We plan to develop it more =]