Sand game
Note: The web build may perform poorly, if it does, please download the game for a better experience or try changing your browser.
` - Clear board
MouseLeft - Place current element
MouseRight - Remove elements
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 - Choose Element
F1 - Show help window (currently only on Linux)
F2 - Slot Editor (currently only on Linux)
Drop image on window to load a map (currently only on Linux)
DescriptionSand game is a sandbox simulation, similar to many made around 10 years ago in the ages of Java browser applets.
Contributing, bugs and help
If you want to study, rebuild, change or contribute to the code, it's available at:
If you want to submit a bug or need any help, check:
Made by me.
Thanks Badosz and Nuffle for testing and some technical help
Thanks SCREAMINGSNAKE for for making this great video
Made with SDL2 and Dear Imgui