SANE (jack the dragon)

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Sane is a surreal free roam RPG inspired by old dungeon crawlers on PC like Rouge, Dungeon master 2, Ultima underworld and Chamber Of The Sci-Mutant Priestess.

No introduction for purgatory Satan The 2nd knows all a rival to the “Massle” but this story has nothing to do with Satan The 2nd.

As you get up from what appears to be your deathbed a loud tone emanates from a computer. you walk up to check the machine. a survey appears asking for your name and location you answer honestly and a message appears. “Your package will arrive soon at your location in a few  days”. You look out the window and look out on the large cluster of unknown maze like cities below. You wait for package and hear a doorbell. You start opening the door revealing a man in a traditional postage uniform. The mysterious man give you a box fit for a book and you shut the door. Opening the package reveals that it is in fact obviously a book but it’s titled “Elstagus dictourus”.

You put the book in your backpack and exit the strange room to a large set of blue hallways.

jack the dragon
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Aug 7, 2020

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