Save Ronald
Save Ronald is a short platformer made in the Godot engine. It takes inspiration from games like Commander Keen, which means that you'll have to make your way through rather difficult levels with limited ammo and face platforming challenges and various enemies. Currently, 7 levels and one bossfight are available, and although I had many more plans for the game, it will likely remain that way.
Save Ronald is played best on an Xbox One controller.
Featuring music by Tamkish:
Discord: Tamkish#4117
Why is the game called "Save Ronald"?
I had a story planned for this game, and you can see some parts of it in this short demo. The title would make sense if the story was ever completed. But since it isn't, you can only speculate or kidnap me and force me to tell you.
The bossfight at the end is too difficult.
Sorry about that. With enough practice, you can certainly learn the phases and avoid them rather easily.
Can I speedrun the game?
Yes! The game has a time trial mode, you can speedrun individual levels or even the full thing. The game keeps track of your time and then saves your highscores.
Why is the soundtrack better than the game itself?
Because it wasn't created by me, but by Tamkish. You can find his Bandcamp page here:
Damn, that's cool. Where can I listen to more of his music?
...that's what the Bandcamp link is for. You can listen to more of his music on the link I posted in the previous question. You know what, I'll just post it again:
Oh haha, I see. How can I give this "Tamkish" all of my money?You can do that on the BANDCAMP PAGE AS WELL. PLEASE LOOK UP WHAT BANDCAMP IS. GOD DAMNIT JUST VISIT THIS LINK: HTTPS://TAMKISH.BANDCAMP.COM/
Alright, so n-
No, I refuse to answer any more of your questions. Go away.