See You On The Other Side
See You On The Other Side was created as part of our 5th semester at Medialogy (Aalborg University, Denmark). It’s a first-person puzzle game, inspired by titles such as Closure and Antichamber.
In the game, lights and shadows play an important role. The player’s goal is to escape a gloomy asylum/prison, to get to “the other side”, by solving puzzles that utilize lights and shadows in various ways. The goal is to make players think in a new way; that they change their mental models regarding lights and shadows in videogames.
Being a university project, we worked with the following problem statement:
We assume a 3D game universe with some core rules: in this world, you – the player – don’t collide with unlit parts of surfaces, and you don’t cast a shadow.
Do players of the game who are not told the rules understand it just as well or better than players who are told the rules in the beginning of the game?
Do they enjoy the game more or less if they are not told the rules in the beginning?
The game has been mentioned on Gameplay and IndieStatik.
Read more about the game here:
Benjamin Nicholas Overgaard
Gustav Dahl
Lasse Von Fintel Sostack
Mathias Klitgaard Berthelsen
Philip Hundevad Nymann