Senpai, Please Look At Me!
It's Valentines's day, the most dreaded day of all, but as a typical shoujo heroine type character you are definitely prepared for its' outcome - however the heck it may turn out to be.
Armed with a box of homemade chocolates full of your love, you embark on a one-day quest to hunt down senpai and GIVE IT TO HIM STRAIGHT.
It won't be like all those previous failed years at all, you hope. This chocolate isn't going on a turnaround route to your best friend (who hopes otherwise)!
A parody otome game with five endings and a fair amount of extra content!
Hello, all~ Krissy of Silverspork Productions here!
A little background on "せんぱい ~私を見てください~" (lit. "Senpai ~Please Look At Me~").
It was initially tossed together as a project for a Nihongo class project a couple years ago (even we find it hard to believe it's been that long).
Just recently, we picked it up again decided to fix up for others to try out.
Our class and a few alpha-testers gave positive feedback about the game, so we hope you'll all enjoy it as well!
Some of the scenarios are written to poke fun at a few common otome game details,
though we might have gotten carried away and put more focus on romance than on making it a parody, but there's enough humor to go around!
It's been up on our Tumblr page, as well as on the LSF for a little over a month, and even if it's no longer the valentine's season, we do hope we can still spread the love around a bit over here as well ;)