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Shaeila is a top down tomb explorer where your only friend is a talking flashlight. 

You find yourself stuck in a tomb, and the only way out is to use your sceptor and your new friend, Midhal (a talking skull flashlight). Using Midhal's light, you will weave past traps and kill enemies. Be careful though. The tomb is going to try and kill you. Swinging axes, arrow traps, crushing walls, and many other traps will be around every corner. It's ok though. You will find special gems to help you on your way out of the tomb.

But with great risk also comes great reward. Scattered throughout the levels is treasure. You can use this treasure to purchase items from the store to help you on your journey. Just be careful of some of the treasure. Some of it may be too good to be true...

This game was made at Full Sail University with three other students in Unity for our middle project. I designed every level in the game with help from another student who sketched out the layout of the levels, and I handled majority of the gameplay programming. My teammates handled the UI, various gameplay mechanics, art, and menus. It was very much a collaborative effort between us, and years later, I'm still proud of the work we did on it.

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Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Aug 2, 2019

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