Currently WIP procedural space trading game.
Currently generating 4k uniquely named sectors each with a handful of star systems in them (and inside those sytems up to about a dozen planets will be generated. Some of these planets will have a trading post with a generated market and prices (that need to be ironed out for fairness). All planets should allow you to refuel. If you run out of fuel you should be able to use a distress beacon to hail a tanker (careful for pirates! ... jk they're not implemented yet).
To Play:
- Fly around with WASD
- 'R' is a scanner to find the closest star systems (distance limited)
- 'M' will pull up a map to give a general idea of where you've been
- 'E' will let you go into a star system/planet
- 'Q' will let you exit a star system to go back to deep space
- 'B' will turn on the distress beacon (out of fuel)
- In game explanation of controls
- Adjust trading simulation
- Add enemies (/maybe friendlies)
- Ship upgrades (semi-implemented)
- Improve random planet generation looks
- a lot more