Shoot-em-up Boss Battle
This is a basic example of a boss battle for a scrolling shooter.
There are plenty of guides and templates out there for games that have the player fighting waves of small enemies in scrolling shooters, but few that have the player taking on a larger boss battle. So I decided to make one myself!
Features include :
- Multiple 'phases' for the boss fight that get harder as the player progresses. Each time the boss runs out of health, it moves to its next phase until it is destroyed.
- Shooting patterns for the boss to cycle through and weakpoints on the boss sprite for the player to target
- Touch controls for mobile and mouse/keyboard controls for desktop
- Sound effects
- A 'high score' in the form of tracking and displaying player deaths after the boss is defeated.
Sound assets are either from the free Sound FX pack by GameBurp or Sheekys sound collection. The player ship sprite is from Kenny's game assets pack.
Controls on mobile : Use the left circle as a virtual joystick to control the direction of the ship. Right circle toggles fire mode.
Controls on desktop : WASD/Arrow keys to move the ship. Mouse to aim and fire.
If you like this prototype or are a Construct developer, please consider donating, or purchasing this template to get access to the template files.
Any questions, comments or problems, please contact me immediately.