Short & Simple Bullet Hell

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Game Description

        Short and Simple Bullet Hell is...a short and simple bullet hell, inspired by Realm of the Mad God and Grid 12. Take control of a stolen ship and blast your way through their facilities. Upgrade your ship so you can kill enemies faster and escape using your newfound weapons. There are two bosses to beat and three weapons to upgrade. Use your abilities to help you along the way and blow your enemies to smithereens.

Game Objective

        Defeat the two bosses and use the two unlocked weapons to access the final area. The game is currently in development and so the third area has not been developed yet. Expect one final area and boss.

Player Controls

PC Controls -

  • Movement - Arrow Keys / WASD
  • Fire - Mouse 1
  • Aiming - Mouse
  • Teleport - Mouse 2
  • Fire Boost - Q 
  • Heal - E
  • Healing Tower - F
  • Player, Turret, Enemy, and Loot sprites by Kenny
  • Level Music by John Leonard French
Known Issues
  • Beams clip when viewed from certain angles.
  • Gameplay is unbalanced after one area is complete.
  • Death has no penalties and Recall has no advantages.
  • An entire third area is missing! (Coming soon)
  • Stun and crit upgrades are not as valuable as DPS upgrades.
  • Lightning and Rocket fire rate upgrades are not as useful as laser upgrades.
  • Alt-tabbing from the game dips performance for a little while

If you run into any other issues or bugs, please let me know! You can leave a comment below or contact me directly through email : [email protected]. I'm also open to suggestions or requests!

Built and tested on Windows 10.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Edit the game info
Last Modified: May 17, 2019

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