Siege of the Cloud Empire
An entry for Ludum Dare 41. Category Compo.
All gameplay & artwork was done in 48 hours.
A game that mixes real time strategy / with platformer.
Gather resources and amass an army to siege the Cloud Empire. Every successful siege will unlock new troops.
Liked the game / concept? Leave me a comment to let me know.
Please rate the game on the Ludum Dare page: Rating Page
RTS Mode:
- Scroll in / out for zoom (change the sensitivity inside the pause menu)
- Right Mouse drag to pan
- Right Mouse drag + Left Shift to rotate
Platformer Mode
- WSAD / Arrow Keys to navigate
Each level the hero goes up will spawn new enemies. Your units will auto attack enemies
My first compo LD. Please be gentle. I didnt have the time to finish the audio and sounds.