Skaterboy Slideman

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A game set in a futuristic setting, where the main characters are criminals fleeing from the Neon Corp by climbing up a tower. You will choose between a male and a female character at the start of the game and then begin your climb up of the neon corporations tower. Once you reach the top of the tower you complete the level and are extracted via a helicopter awaiting your arrival. The game is inspired by the mini game in spectre knight were your characters climbs up a large tower by using a variety of different jumping and sliding mechanics. This game will take the concept of climbing up a tower and add our own twist to the game's setting characters and mechanics in game. The game will be 2D using pixel art and animations and will feature different enemy varieties throughout each stage in the tower to make increasingly difficult to reach the top and complete the level.

Team Members:

Jessica Bush - Game Designer

Jacky Man - Game Programmer

James Gareski - Game Designer

James Popovski - Game Programmer

Vincent Angeles - Game Programmer

Audio Team:

Alfred McMahon 

Sajith Kotalawala

Matthias Pregardien

Gurthie Talen

Keyboard Controls:

A - Move Left

D - Move Right

Space - Jump

Left Shift - Slide

P - Pause Game

Xbox Controls:

A - Jump

X - Slide

Y - Pause Game

Left Joystick - Move Left and Right

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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