Slime Hero (Just L Studio)
Slime Hero
Slime Hero is a slime collecting and fighting game, you need to collect and select the best slime team to pass all the stage, after that you can go to challenge the boss.
Be careful, no matter how strong your team members are, you as the leader, can only move and hope you team members will attack and protect you, just keep fighting and collecting more and more strong slime as you wish.
There are over 50 kinds of slime waiting to be collected, and each slime have different attack method, trying to finding out your special slime team, hope you have a good time.
- 50 more slimes wait to be collected
- defeat enemy with your slime team
- evolve your favorite slimes
- 50 more attack mode to be found
- no limitation personal team build
- 4 incredible stage for you to adventure
- 4 level of difficulty to be challenged
- 1 superior difficulty boss
- 10 more achievement to be collected
Chill Game
Slime Hero will give you a casual and relax gaming experience, just walk around slime world and have fun in the adventure with your favorite slime team.
Game Control
Fighting control
up : ⬆(W)
down : ⬇(S)
left : ⬅(A)
right : ➡(D)
rotate : enter(space)
Base control
select : enter
switch left : ⬅(A)
switch right : ➡(D)
cancel : ⬇(S)
Setting control
menu on / off : esc
Music : n- m+
Sound effect : s
Quit game(stage) : q
Game reset : r