SlipWays (itch)

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This is a mini-PICO-8-edition of a much larger upcoming game. It's pay-what-you-want - all money earned here will go towards the development of the full version! If you'd really like to help out, I also have a Patreon where I accept recurring donations.

The PC version will add a replayable campaign mode, a military aspect, five philosophical factions with varying tech to choose from, revamped procedurally-generated graphics, and many other features - while still keeping the swift gameplay of this preview. If you'd like to stay up-to-date on the PC version's progress, check out the website or follow the game on Twitter/Facebook.

How to play

There is an animated quickstart guide, but here is the shortest possible version:

Drag the map around using the right mouse button or the SDFE keys. Click to drop a wormhole that will become your starting point. Then click and drag to find some planets, which you can colonize with your chosen industry type. Drag from planet to planet to connect them with a slipway. Try to connect planets that make stuff with planets that need it. Buy structures by dragging them from the bottom-right corner. Research technologies from the top-left corner. Click the heart symbol to check your score.

Make the biggest, baddest, most prosperous empire possible!


The game design, coding and graphics are all by me - Jakub Wasilewski. All things audio by Gruber.

This game would not be possible without the help of my Patreon supporters, including these top-tier heroes: Tomasz Bylina, Adam Kwapiński, Thorsten Schleinzer, Marc Holmes, Grzegorz Dałek, Andreas Bretteville, Carlos Pardo. Thank you!

Release date
Jakub Wasilewski
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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System requirements for Linux

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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