Small Towns

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Small Towns is a Flip and Draw game where you create Small Towns as you go. This game is in late development stage. Most everything is working, but some tweaks will be done to finalize. At this time, some art still needs to be completed. Placeholder tiles form shops, farms, parks, and others still need to be done. 

UPDATE (Feb 3, 2022)

  • Everyone now gets the same deck everyday. Challenge your friend for the high score!
  • No more duplicate cards in a single turn. 
  • Cards no longer return to the deck. Once a card shows in your hand, it is discarded for the remainder of the game.
  • Added a redraw button, you can redraw your hand up to three times per game
  • Parks are now scoring correctly. Still need to work on Shops.

Known Issues:

  • Parks are not giving credit for the score  resolved (2/3/22)
  • Shops are not being scored yet, neither are errors
  • Sometimes, the same card gets dealt twice in the same hand. I thought I had resolved that already.  resolved (2/3/22)
  • The menu button was being used for debugging and I forgot to disable that, so if you hit it, it will end the game early and start scoring resolved (2/3/22)


The game is played in three rounds with 20, 15, and 10 turns each. Each turn you will get 3 cards from the deck. You will pick one and place it on the grid. That card is discarded and the other two returned to the deck. 

At the end of each round, you will then determine the area of your small town. 

At the end of the third round, scoring will commence.


  • Streets like to connect. 1 Point for each tile a street continues
    Ponds are scored like streets
  • Houses like things to be around them. 1 point for each different tile type that is not a street
  • Shops get one point for each house that is adjacent or accessible via a street (Scoring not yet implemented)
  • Forests like to be adjacent to towns, but not in them. 1 point for each adjacent town tile.
  • Farms like to be far away from towns. 2 points for each tile distance from the nearest town. 1 bonus point for each pond tile adjacent to a farm (bonus not implemented yet)
  • Parks must be inside a town. However, they cannot share the same column or row as another park. Also, they cannot be beside each other. (Scoring is mostly working on this, but points are not being awarded.)
  • Errors: points deducted for each tile that that is in a town that shouldn't be and vice versa (not implemented at this time) 

Things to be added or changed:

  • Sound effects when tiles are added to the grid, maybe some sort of visual as well.
  • Potentially, discard all three cards, meaning they couldn't come back in a later turn
  • Consider changing the number of turns per round 
  • Consider changing the max size of the towns
  • Introduce a pre game screen to inform the player of the rules, the help button will bring this back up. 
Release date
Sub-Zero Squirrel
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Feb 4, 2022

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