Snake battle (Back2the8bit)

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For the Retroprogrammers Inside's "Snake game jam" I wrote this naval battle clone, in basic, with the aim to share some knowledge for beginners.

Basic V2 is well known as a not fast interpreter, so it's not suitable for real games, but if you don't need scrolling, 8 or more sprites, sid music and wathever else made great the C64 back in that days, you can make something nice with raw basic. This is one of these cases.

Launch the prg into your favourite emulator such as Vice or whatever.

----stop here if you don't want to read boring stuff about programming and you want to play----

Some useful info for who will dare to read the code:

1) I use the high memory $c000 to put the player's and AI's game map, including pieces and moves results.

2) I use the low nibble of map's byte to store info about that cell:

0001=full,0010=empty,0100=void attempt,1000=successfull attempt

Possible values are - taking player's map as example and according to above nibbles:

1 -> cell "full", i.e. occupied by my piece, not yet poked by the enemy

2 -> cell of my map empty, not yet poked by the enemy

9 -> cell occupied by my piece and hit by enemy

6 -> cell empty and attempted by enemy

other values are "don't care conditions"

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Apr 3, 2023

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