Solar Connection
Number of Players: Single player
Target Age: 10+
The primary target audience of the game are people who are looking for a quick, yet wholesome solar energy themed game to play.
Game DescriptionGenre: RPG, 2D
Themes: Climate Change, Solar Energy, Renewable Energy
Platforms: PC
Software: Game Maker Studio
Game FlowStory Summary:
The main character works for the State’s Department of Energy, and so far, the state is run on 99.9% renewable energy. The only major carbon producer in the state is a small town of 4 people, which runs off of a gas generator. The main character is sent to the town to convince the people of the town to hook up to the state energy grid. The main character finds themselves having to do small tasks to help out around the community to get people to trust them enough to get on the state's renewable energy grid.
The goal of the main character is to have the town get access to renewable energy.
There are a few obstacles standing in the way of the main character as they try to complete their main goal.
- Not everyone has the technical ability to gain access to renewable energy.
- Not everyone wants to switch to renewable energy.
There are five primary characters within the game. These are:
- Main Character: Works for a non-profit company that provides renewable resources to rural communities.
- Adelina: A great aunt of the main character’s boss who looks out for everyone in the community. She lacks the technical knowledge and physical abilities to gain access to renewable energy.
- Dale: The main antagonist of the game who runs a gas generator to power everyone in the community. He dislikes new things, people, and especially change. Even though he is a bit intimidating, he likes helping out and being relied upon.
- David: Single father of Taylor. He does not talk about his past much, but is friendly. He wants to do his best to support his daughter, even with their financial problems.
- Taylor: The only child of David. She is currently an elementary student that attends online school. She is an extrovert and determined to do well in school.