!!!explosion is binded to *q* or *e* for the web version!!!
Somnuscape is a game where you explore your deam, and maybe meet a few familiar people along the way! Don't foget to wake up on time, not too early, not too late, and also, try not to lose yourself in your dream!
Keep an eye on the sleep meter, it keeps track of how deep you are in your dream, too high and you wake up, too low and you are trapped in your dream for ever, so keep it balanced, until it's time to wake up!
- movement and fall increases it
- staying still and exploding causes it to decrease
There are multiple characters spawned randomly across the map, speak to them and it will slow down your sleep bar significantly!
- move with *w*, *a*, *s* and *d*, jump with *space*, and explode with *shift*
- *space* to skip dialogue and ending screens
Poa - design, art, programming
Caro - conception, planning, music
note - terrain generates procedurally, so there is a chance you get stuck (sorry!)