Space Hulk (itch)
I was one of three artists in a team of nine who developed a PC game for an external client: Isabelle Wang from Fun Plus, with Martin Lynagh (our lecturer) being her proxy. The brief was to produce a "market-ready" rogue-like that had easy-to-understand rules and controls and a skill tree that would allow players to form many combinations whilst playing. Each skill level would allow the player to choose from three permanent upgrades, which would be randomly selected from a small pool of abilities that would affect health, damage, and so on. Whilst the game was developed for PC, it was stipulated that it should also be mobile-friendly; the control scheme can be used with one hand. The story premise is that a rescuer is sent out to investigate a massive spaceship that has mysteriously reappeared after vanishing 16 years earlier.
Team:Shichen "Stephen" Xie
- Producer
- Enemy Designer
- Level Designer
Ran "Phalaris" Xie
- Monetary Designer
- System Designer
- Abilities Designer
- Skills Designer
- Weapons Designer
Rachel Wood
- Narrative Designer
- Character Designer
- UI Designer
- Audio
Yikang "Wade" Peng
- 3D Artist
- VFX Artist
- Texture Artist
- Animator
Kieran Mackintosh
- 3D Artist
- Animator
- Character Artist
- Asset Optimiser
Yi "Iris" Zhao
- Concept Artist
- UI Artist
- Texture Artist
- Character Artist
Dong "Jacob" Han
- Programmer
- Animation Programmer
Qizhi "Vincent" Guo
- Programmer
- Technical Artist
Zhengru "Zero" Chen
- Programmer
Miroslaw Sienkiewicz (Outsource)
- SFX Artist
Aurelie Moiroud (Outsource)
- Music Artist