Space Shipping

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This is my submission for LD-42 Game Jam August 2018!

RULES: Transport cargo from major stops. Once you place it in your ship, you can't move the cargo until it reaches its destination.

Make it to $1,000,000 credits to win. Run out of hull or fuel, and it's game over!

(Note: There's currently no way to refuel, so that's a problem lol)

I will most likely continue working on this in the future because I had a blast!

Still definitely needs some polish, but I ran out of time :D

*Note: There's no sound, because I was working on this solo and ran out of time. Will definitely add sound in a future update!

Font used is Kenvector_Future by Kenney -


Things that really still need to be done:

1) Bug fix for the game SHOULD end AS SOON AS you run out of fuel/hull/credits or exceed 1 million credits, but for some reason it takes another move or 2 sometimes

2) Ability to repair / refuel your ship

**Bugfixes 8/14/18**

"Game Over" status now triggers correctly instead of causing an infinite loop or
waiting. Should trigger as soon as "event pop up" is closed if fail state (or win)  conditions are met

Cargo can no longer be moved before placing it into the ship

Already placed cargo should no longer be visible when on cargo selection screen

script for string_thousands not handling decimals or negative numbers correctly

Fuel/hull should no longer go negative (well, it shouldn't STAY negative) xD

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for Web

Space Shipping screenshot, image №1125521 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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