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SpaceBourne is a Space Simulation / Arcade / Open World / RPG game.
SpaceBourne’s universe has over 100 Solar Systems, over 400 planets and 37 landable Space Stations.
SpaceBourne is designed so the player can have total freedom. In SpaceBourne the player can mine astroids, salvage wrecks, bounty hunt, discover black holes, come accross space anomalies, become a pirate, discover uncharted systems; as well as following the main storyline, choose to accept side missions, help the races that are at war with each other, create a pirate organization and form his own army, form his own space station and produce ships, or trade. In all of these activities the player gets to make choices, he can choose to trade slaves, of start a war against them and end slavery.
In order to accomplish all of this, one needs a good ship. Player character progresses through leveling, acquire new ships, modify the ships, create new and different weapons. ( As of Beta Ver. 5.0, the game has 144 different weapons and the number keeps going up with each update.)
Player Character has active and passive traits. Passive traits ( such as Piloting, Trade, Charisma etc. ) gets better or not according to the playstyle. Active traits on the other hand is left to the player to choose and pick up as the character levels up.
Except the main storyline SpaceBourne’s content is randomly generated. Every System is randomly generated at game initialization. This allows for the player to come across different events in every new map. This design choice was made in order to bring replayability to the game and allow the player to encounter different events on same maps.
SpaceBourne includes 4 distinct races with different ships, and different specialties. There are more than 3.000 entities for you to interact.
You can play SpaceBourne with Keyboard & Mouse, Gamepad or JoyStick, the game supports Force Feedback.
The Story:
Everything starts on a regular day of July 2029 with the appearance of an Unidentified Flying Objects. That day is the first day of earth’s residents meeting their new guests. These guests just wait motionless for a long while... their purpose unclear. In order to be ready for the worst scenerio a committee is assembled by the world’s nations, Wolrd Air Defence Platform. One man is chosen to lead this new organisation, a man everyone calls “The Commander”.
By February 2030 people start getting sick. This new disease with no cure starts to kill people in a year after its infection. What doctors call HX4, the people call “guest influenza”.
At the year 2032 while the world is struggling with the disease, WADP plans an attack against the aliens who are believed to be behind the disease. But they attack first.
While at first heavy casualties are taken, later on under the leadership of the “Commander” great victories start to come. More than 20 enemy ships are destroeyed in the next 3 years.
By 2035, three quartes of the world’s population is gone and almost half of the enemy ships are cleared from the skies. While the people await news of a total victory, something shifts the balance... The Commander gets sick.
An emergency meeting is held. The doctors increases all research efforts to no avail. Any passing day bring the inevitable closer for the Commander.
12th of December 2037 it is decided that the Commander is to be frozen until a cure is found. The next day Commander closes his eyes in a sleeping chamber.
When he opens his eyes again, he is in an abondoned space station in Earth’s orbit. The end had come for Earth, and he is still sick. He has tons of questions in his head, but no one around to answer.
All he has is a deserted space station with a ship at the hangar, and an infinite universe.
You can watch the introductory video of the newspapers from this link:

Release date
Burak Dabak
Burak Dabak
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
  • Processor: Quad Core CPU (4 x 2Ghz)
  • Memory: 6 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 470/ATI 7240HD
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 6 GB available space
  • OS: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-3770K Quad Core CPU or better / AMD FX 4350 Quad Core CPU or better
  • Memory: 8 MB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 770 / AMD Radeon R9 280X
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 6 GB available space
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Last Modified: Feb 18, 2023

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The Leader
Build A Resistance
Bounty Hunter
Collect A Bounty
The Elder One
Meet With Xziax's Leader
Slave Master
Capture and Sell 10 Slaves
WormHole Master
Complete all stages in a wormhole and kill the WormHole Boss
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29 items

SpaceBourne reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review A wonderful Sci-Fi Game and Everything you see in the Trailer you can actually do in The course of the Game. Mining, trading, bounty hunting, explores, breaking Down Wreck parts, collecting Anomalies. There's even more to do than in the trailer video. A few Ground Missions also exist, once I had to fly around and fight with a Drone and once with a spider-like robot. Super varied if you want to do it, "there is nothing" to be "had" except the Main Missions of course. Various Missions from various Clients outside the main missions are of course also available so that you can level properly. Until now, ships have already been available for buy and upgrade 7. Later you have your own Base and you have to do Missions for it. So all in all a very funny Game is still early access and partly buggy, but the Developers are fully involved. Definitely very mature and super playable. My personal Favourite: Megaship boss fights. Rarely had so much fun in Space. Highly recommended!!! Welcome to SpaceBourne, good Flight command/In. :D
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review Don't Write Reviews Often, but This Game deserves one! The Game is reminiscent of a Mix of Eve Online, Wing Commander Prophecy And Freelancer; The Story is not exhilarating ... You are the only Survivor of your Planet and you are trying to survive ... Blabla I was about to restart the Game when I was in Space all at once; Good Graphics, good to very good Control and enough Earning Opportunities for dedicated Pilots. While so many Games are pretty cringeworthy with Rewards, SpaceBourne is quite generous with Rewards and Experience points. But some Tasks are not without them; Even Emergencies where a Transport Convoy is in Danger and needs help are occasionally interspersed and sometimes quite violent. + A motivated Developer from Turkey who Takes error Messages and Advice seriously + Well thought-out Tuturial (for Newcomers, the Tuturial otherwise makes it difficult with the Ship) + great Playability + Skills and Achievements + Good Look (you should not Be miraculous Expect, but I was pleasantly surprised) + base game although in Early Access Very Playable + Large Map + Freighter or large Ships can be easily disassembled with certain Tactics + Brauable ships and Equipment + Main quest Plays not only in Space but also on Planetary Surfaces with a Drone (Descent 3 lets greet ^^) or Spider Tanks-Stations resemble each other a little too much, from the establishment AND of the Population-In Space it is very lonely without Tasks, no Ships or otherwise-Sometimes Rescue Missions simply too many Enemies, often shooting themselves at you to several, although there are also NPC pilots who are less attacked. -still too few Ships (even big Movers) and Items available to Yours-production is not yet possible, Not Yet in short, rarely has an Early Access Game as Enthusiastic as SpaceBourne; In the first Session I was inside for 6 Hours. Sure it has a few Weaknesses, but if you like to spend your way around space, ballers, acts and negotiates, you should take a Look.
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