SpaceShooter (PostleService)

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This is my Space Shooter Project for the Michigan State University course named Game Design and Development with Unity 2020. It is a final project for Week 4.

Differences from Michigan State University tutorial version:

Added 4 unique enemies with new behaviors:

1. Stationary Turret Spread : Rotates back and forth, constantly shooting projectiles 

2. Stationary Seeker Turret : The gun of this turret tracks player's position until a certain angle

3. Mothership : Destructible ship spawner - spawns smaller variants of chasers

3.1 Heavy Mothership types : Destructible ship spawners - that spawn regular chasers and seekers

4. Heavy Seeker Shooter : A chaser with two projectile spawners instead of guns

Added 3 reskinned enemies with similar behaviors:

1. Seeker : Alternative, faster version of chaser

2. Mothership Seeker : smaller version of chaser spawned by Motherships

3. Seeker Shooter : Alternative, faster version of chasing straight shooter.

Added 7 unique enemy skins with animations:

My sprites consist of Photoshopped elements of enemy sprites in the original version rearranged in new ways. 

Seeker, Mothership Seeker, Seeker Shooter, Heavy Seeker Shooter, Stationary Turret Spread, Stationary Seeker Turret, Mothership

Added 3 powerups with their own skins:

1. Health Pickup : Boosts Current health by +1 up until the limit of 10.

2. Damage Boost : Increases damage of player projectiles by 1, increases their size by small amount. Code-wise - causes player to refer to a different prefab of projectiles.

3. Shooting Speed Boost : Increases player's shooting speed by 0.01 (reduces the shooting speed value from 1 up until the limit of 0.01).

Added a finish line for clearing the level:

This is a collider that tracks whether the player has crossed it, returns a boolean value and tells GameManager to clear the level

Added a lives counter:

Added a lives counter attached to the GameUI in separate code from UI Manager.

1. The counter turns red at 1 life

2. The counter turns green at 10 lives (maximum).

Added a bunch of code:

1. Created code adjustable in Unity for Stationary Seeker Turrets

2. Created code adjustable in Unity for Stationary Turret Spread

Unfortunately, due to the mix-up in positive/negative values of rotation - I managed to make it work only when these turrets face downwards.

3. Created booster collision detection scripts and added separate behavior for each booster as described above.

Created three separate levels different from the tutorial version:

1. Level 1 - You can only shoot and look upwards. Camera adjusted to look slightly higher. Movement free. Linear level. Progression level is the smoothest.

2. Level 2 - You can look and shoot in all directions. Camera centered. Movement free. Level has a few nooks and crannies with boosts and enemies.

3. Level 3 - version of Level 1 with ridiculous enemy numbers, but more power for player from the very start.


Created by PostleService

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Apr 13, 2021

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