Average Playtime: 3 hours

Speed Brawl

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Speed Brawl is a 2D combat-racer about moving fast and hitting hard! Maintain your momentum, build your combos, and unleash powerful special moves. Find your own fighting style, and assemble the finest team of brawlers ever seen. Then do it all again faster... faster... FASTER!!!Features
  • 6 Unique Brawlers with their own play styles
  • Loads of upgrades to customize each fighter and blast through the competition
  • Razor sharp visuals and beautifully animated characters
  • Over 50 unique action-packed events and races to wade through across multiple Speed Brawl Leagues.
  • Local and online co-operative play through the whole campaign!

StoryLondon, 1888. After a decade of war with the Lunar invaders we named the Selenites, the British Empire finally vanquished the insect-like menace thanks to a dashing officer by the name of Hugo Wells. He crushed the colony’s queen and in doing so cemented his status as both a hero of the empire, and the de facto patriarch of the drone-like Selenites.

Following the war, the Selenites became the new workforce of our industrial revolution, ushering in a new era of progress and prosperity. Freed from the shackles of employment, man could pursue more earthly endeavors. However, listlessness and disobedience rampaged throughout the middle and working classes. In order to satiate the masses, Hugo Wells conceived of the ultimate entertainment. An elite sport where only the bravest, the fastest and the most worthy warriors could wage a petty war against the enslaved Selenite hordes. Welcome… to Speed Brawl!

Release date
Double Stallion
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PC

Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 or equivalent
Storage: 2 GB available space
Mouse, Keyboard
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jan 17, 2025

Where to buy

Nintendo Store
Xbox Store
PlayStation Store
Epic Games

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Daring Xenologist
Defeat every single enemy type at least once.
All In
Max out at least one branch of any hero's skill tree.
You Wreck Me
Defeat 50 enemies with wrecking balls.
Consistency is Key
Get a bronze trophy in every event in the game.
The Brawling Speedster
Successfully speed boost 100 times from the starting cage minigame.
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!hug !love !familia !legends #NightOwlLife. Going thru Epic Games backlog LUL
『RSS』 Speed Brawl
Killing Time > Let's G! 5-26-22
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Speed Brawl reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
The principle here is to have wanted to make a BTU where the speed affects the damage dealt. Basically, the faster you go, the more you hurt, so you make the gameplay dynamic, and it is, but unfortunately, everything in the game seems to be under-exploited. On the one hand, there is finally not really need to exploit this mechanics to complete the levels, or even get the gold medals. Moreover, it lacks interaction or possibility to play with and on speed. We can just make a dash, make a dash by resting on a wall, or make a dash by taking a pole as a support to increase its speed. The level design is pretty sketchy, and many levels end up looking alike. At the level of the bestiary also it is quite poor, because finally we have a lot of swap color, with possibly a small change in the nature of the attack. You take a monster, you paint it red and give it fire-type attacks, and here you have a new monster. And even so, they all look too much alike, we end up having the impression of always typing on the same enemies. At the level of the game modes too, it's poor. You have the main events, where you just have to move as fast as possible until you reach the battle zone, where you will chain waves of enemies in order to continue. Other modes are added to this. For example, you have a mode that consists of just crossing the level as fast as possible, without fighting, destroying targets by passing or slaloming on poles. Since the platform game side is ultra Basic, and as the gameplay based around the speed is just as much, it has little, see no interest. And the other fashions are no more interesting. The game also features a very basic inventory system, with three object locations per character, to increase their stats. Again it's quite limited, and not interesting. In addition, if we increase the stats, in the end we need even less to exploit the basis of the speed-based gameplay to quickly crush his enemies. And the money collected during the missions, supposed to allow us to buy items at the shop, is still not very useful, the game is not particularly hard. The equipment won over the missions will suffice most of the time. You will ultimately have 6 different characters to play, but apart from a different special and ultimate attack, they don't really offer any particular gameplay compared to each other. You will hardly change the way you approach the fights by changing characters, even if the game seems to have wanted to go in that direction, with for example a character that will be more effective in the air than the others. But again, something far too underutilized to be truly concrete. A character like you would do with others is ample enough. The possibilities of combos are also limited. Dash, strike, special attack, attack by changing the characters. There is no quick strike and powerful strike, and the characters have only one special attack. In conclusion, the game starts with a good idea, but everything is under-exploited, and there is a cruelly lack of content. This gets pretty fast enough, while the pretty nervous gameplay makes the game yet fun at first. If additional content is later on, both on the bottom and on the form, it is not impossible for me to swap color at the thumb.
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