Springfield Property Manager

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Developed July 5 - Sept 27, 2020

Project lead, core gameplay, property system, main manager AI, time of year, isometric rendering, camera control, additional buildings, art integration, opening story, citizen complaints, seasons, clouds code, landlord events: Vince McKeown

Cloud variations, 3 story building, storm clouds, status bubble, hunger icon, human art variations, sleep status, readability improvements, ground tiles, road alignment correction, mall improvement, updated logo, background texture, 100th game title badge: Jeff "Axphin" Hanlon

Duplex, steakhouse, town house, town center, luxury building, office building, residential duplex, additional art integration, audio code bug fixes, initial draft of help: I-wei Chen

Unified color palette & retroactive application of it, initial people and car sprites, day counter, sound bug fix, city hall integration, tab sounds, additional vehicle variations: Gabriel Cornish

Resolution resizing, camera centering, debug heatmap, input event optimization, scrollbar removal, dynamic month stats graph,  UI selection fix, typo fixing, text shadow feature, thought bubble, zone count tracking, street avoidance, unique naming, park with trees, additional debug displays, birds & butterflies, pets code, rain, assorted bug fixing, flowers: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila

Case-sensitivity fix, vehicle density increase, car animation support, biker easter egg, vehicle wrap, street light and related integration, drop shadow: Gonzalo Delgado
HUD hide option, resolved UI sprite order issue, isometric click position, tab key addition, city hall drawer layer, scroll wheel zoom, mouse camera pan, new controls instructions, main menu resize: Randy Tan Shaoxian

Main menu, initial logo draft, navigation sounds, shopping mall, bank, school: Vaan Hope Khani

CSS styling and font selection, UI tabs panel and related images, highlights fix: Chris Markle

Property buying, character desires, restaurant selling, hunger, building tab improvement, property debug view, hover over functionality: Barış Köklü

Vehicle speed and direction variations, collision avoidance, pets sprites: H Trayford

Pause functionality, defined people data, UI layout adjustment, keys help screen: Michelly Oliveira

Gameplay music: Alan Zaring

Sound engine, city ambience: Michael "Misha" Fewkes

Duplexes, property selection bug fix: Bilal A. Cheema

Diner and pizza restaurant: Charlene A.

Italian restaurant: Kise

Display for property ownership: Ryan Gaillard

Debug cheats: Muhammed "EyeForcz" Durmusoglu

Small bug fix, compiled credits: Chris DeLeon

Release date
HomeTeam GameDev
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

Springfield Property Manager screenshot, image №2545388 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Sep 28, 2020

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