St. Agatha City

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St. Agatha City

"I think the island wants visitors, though. It seems lonely. Or... maybe... impatient. Like it wants to tell someone something that it's been holding in for a long, long time."

St. Agatha City is a game about your menial surroundings, and the weird things brewing just below the surface, if you know where to look. You play as Pixy Burrow, who is just as new to the area as you are - but she's just as big of a mystery to the player, as her new home come to be to her. Despite the picturesque life and fresh start St. Agatha seems to be offering as she flees from her past, it becomes obvious, all too quickly, that something sinister lies below the fresh paint coating all the old infrastructure that surrounds her.

In the alpha build of Chapter 0: Welcome to St. Agatha City, you can go 14 unique locations around the overworld, and meet 22 different characters. Though all of the routes still need polishing, involving finishing sprites, CGs, some writing, and backgrounds - there are 8 complete routes, and several fully written side quests involving the major and minor characters.

This game features cutscenes, choices, exploration, and is soon to be fully voice acted - with some routes already implementing said talents.

This is a free to play game. Donations are not expected, but are appreciated. Feel no guilt at all skipping that option, I want as many people as possible to have access to St. Agatha City. The option to pay for it is just there for those who have the resources and desire to give. It's more than enough just to have you play it.

Cast Pixy Burrow

The intrepid interloper herself! Pixy is a twenty two year old college dropout, from a small town in Georgia. Hoping for a new beginning, and wanting to get as far from home as she can afford, the hustle and bustle of a city miles from where she started is exactly what she believes she needs. 

Pixy is an outgoing but enigmatic romantic, who holds her cards close to her chest.

Her favorite movie is Elizabethtown, she was on her high school rugby team, and she struggles to trust anyone completely - especially after the disappearance of her childhood best friend.

Baxter Face

Baxter Face is an overworked cook, busboy, and waiter, who works at the Hope Diamond Diner - a twilight diner that only operates from 5 AM till 5 PM. He's jumpy, cynical, and reclusive, but he's got a good heart. He has a soft for model trains, music that sounds bad, and people who are more optimistic than he is.

Baxter struggles with Tourette's, and also the fallout of his teenage rebellious streak, that haunts him to this day.

Baxter Face is voiced by Michael Suggs, a host of Georgia's Tiger Con.

Denver Washington

Denver isn't actually native to St. Agatha City, and is originally from Boston, Massachusetts. He's a bit of a loner, and though he'd swear it's by choice, it probably has something to do with his short fuse, resting bitch face, and terrible attitude about everything.

Denver is clever and quick witted, and uses this to get under people’s skin as quickly as possible, despite rarely actually believing the meanspirited things he says.

Denver is voiced by Tristanier.

Ian Lane

Ian is a kindhearted but standoffish writer and musician, of little success. That doesn't get him down though! His true passion is genuinely making YouTube tutorials to little fanfare. One of his dreams is to become one of those frequently visited but otherwise unknown walkthrough channels in ten years time, long after his last video would likely upload.

Ian's other pass-times are working on scripts at Caliber Coffee, birdwatching, and enjoying the odd true crime podcast. He's got a complicated relationship with St. Agatha, due to his time spent growing up here.

He's not so sure he wants to stick around.

Ian is voiced by P-Jack

Marjory Wight

Marjory is a bubbly and outgoing fashion journalist, who has a knack for winding up in trouble due to her well-meaning but impulsive nature. She oftentimes takes on the burden of other people's problems, and then blames herself when things go south. 

A recent fight with a close friend has left her somewhat shaken, but she's sure she can make it up.

Marjory Wight is voiced by Tabetha McNeal. You can visit her website here!

Mindy Mindovitch

By the admission of everyone around her, Mindy is, and always has been, the It Girl. Her reputation as the hottest, most popular, and most mysterious woman in St. Agatha is one that makes her enigmatic, frightening, and difficult to approach - and she doesn’t mind this. While the rumors are true, there is definitely more to Mindy than people’s first impression of her being a prom queen mean girl. Mindy is fiercely intelligent, even more ambitious, and a perfectionist by nature - something her parents drilled into her.

 As such, Mindy feels… trapped, and this has caused her to burn several important bridges, and sacrifice her individuality to live up to her parents’ high expectations. She can’t be satisfied just being a perfect student, a perfect daughter, and a perfect girl; she has to be the perfect trainwreck as well.

Mindy Mindovitch is voiced by Kat Pepin.

Norman West

Norman is a small, sickly middle aged man, who is the roommate of Pixy Burrow. He is a programmer, and seems to have mild agoraphobia. Despite his off putting appearance, Norman is an easygoing, calm, and responsible person. He is deeply caring, but equally standoffish, as he isn’t used to the presence of others - he’s lived alone most of his life, and Pixy is both a breath of fresh air, and an oddity.

Just like Pixy, he seems to be running from his hard to articulate past.

The No Name Girl

The No Name Girl is well-liked by her peers, despite not truly seeming to fit in anywhere. Having lost her name, and her sense of self, she has been trying to find out where she belongs. The familiarity of St. Agatha is suffocating to her, and she fears she can never grow as a person with other people's expectations of who she is and should be weighing her down.

The idea of disappearing under mysterious circumstances is growing increasingly appealing to her.

Ross Rorkshed

Ross is... a meathead. He's a well meaning, affable, outgoing gym rat, who deeply loves his friends, the world, and everyone around him. Despite this, everyone seems to hate him. It's unclear why - he seems nice enough, if a bit unhinged. Ross cares about the simple things. The day to day, menial pleasures of life. Routine, spontaneity - and everything in between. A lot like Pixy!

Their commonalities extend beyond their optimistic outlook on their surroundings. Something is deeply wrong with Ross, too.

Ross Rorkshed is voiced by alonghardlook.

Tara Strange

Tara is a very shy, soft spoken goth girl, who keeps getting adopted into groups of well-meaning extroverts due to her alternative fashion. She has a tendency to just... stare, wide-eyed at people with an unreadable expression when they approach her, and so only those capable of filling the heavy silence she brings with her seem to be able to tolerate her. But she's been trying - really, really trying - to do better.

She hopes she can make new friends in this chapter of her life. She wants to be independent - and make her family and the friends she does have proud!

Tara Strange is voiced by Audio Steele.

Extended Cast List

  • Michael Suggs as Baxter Face
  • Tristanier as Denver Washington
  • P-Jack as Ian Lane
  • Tabetha McNeal as Marjory Wight
  • Kat Pepin as Mindy Mindovitch
  • alonghardlook as Ross Rorkshed
  • Audio Jack Steele as Tara Strange
  • Fairyfly as Bailey Dayson
  • J S ‘Jimmersive’ McCormick as Boon Katz
  • Aubrey Lima as Eddie Creek - You can visit her twitter here!
  • Nicki C as Eve Karrow
  • WoS as Harvey and Gatsby Rutger
  • Jerron Bacat as Nazir Yezdani - You can visit his website here!

Temporary backgrounds supplied by Mugencel on the Lemmasoft forums, and Noraneko Games.

  • "If you're into weirdcore and biting, this might be for you!" - Morgast
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: May 23, 2022

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