Star Disgrace
Thank you for renting the Hurtz Star Disgrace for your family vacation. Ship controls are simple - WASD to boost in cardinal directions, Space to boost Up, Ctrl to boost Down. For your diplomatic convenience, the Sewage Launcher Railgun System has been provided with months of repurposed.... ammunition. Simply click the left-mouse button to fire. If the chase-drone camera is not to your liking, a much uglier cockpit view is available by hitting C and smooshing your face up to the front window.
In the highly unlikely circumstance of a hostile encounter, please note that Hurtz is not responsible for any losses or damages to your person or personal property.
We know you have options for your space vacations, and we thank you for choosing us.
- Note: This is my submission to MaxParata's Voxel Galactix Jam. My first submission to anything. My first start-to-finish game, though it's not truly finished. But the Game Jam is. :)
Update: Added ugly Main Menu, plus minor bug fixes.