Star Wars: Battlefront Renegade Squadron

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Renegade Squadron is the previously untold story of a ragtag ensemble of battle-hardened rogues and scoundrels assembled by Han Solo. Gathered to execute some of the most secretive operations in the Rebel Alliance's war against the Galactic Empire, the Renegade Squadron participated in battles spanning the galaxy: From the Valley of the Sith on Korriban to a dogfight in space through the remains of Alderaan.
A minimum 1.2GB of disk space is required.
LucasArts, the LucasArts logo, STAR WARS and related properties are trademarks in the United States and/or in other countries of Lucasfilm Ltd. and/or its affiliates. Star Wars Battlefront is a trademark of Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. © 2004-2007 Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. or Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purchase or use of this item is subject to the PlayStation®Network Terms of Service and User Agreement. If you do not wish to accept all these terms, do not purchase or use this item. This item has been sublicensed to you by Sony Computer Entertainment America. One-time license fee for downloads to up to 2 portable systems that are associated with the purchasing account.

Release date
LucasArts Entertainment
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for PSP

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Last Modified: Mar 26, 2023

Where to buy

PlayStation Store

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2 edits

Star Wars: Battlefront Renegade Squadron reviews and comments

An average SW game, an awful space game. So many problems here. Well, maybe, the graphics are OK for PSP (no, they are not), but the gameplay is horrible. The biggest problem here is the camera that literally prevents you from aiming: it always focuses on the center of the screen and you need to move it all the time to see something. The maps could be better too. Actually, I hate many things about this game but this atrocious camera pisses me off the most. 
Much better than Battlefront 2 on PSP! Great portable space battles, enjoyable fights and a new customization system instead of the class system from the previous titles. Definantely love this game, the best PSP Star Wars installment.  
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