Starship Command 2X
Starship Command 2 is a much-expanded sequel to Starship Command, a persistent-world, massively single-player, real-time tactical starship simulator wrapped in an AI-driven 4X game. Starting with a lowly shuttle, you will trade and battle your way to victory, amassing a gigantic fleet customized to your liking!
This is Starship Command 2X!
But What's with the "X"?First, the "X" is for CROSS-PLATFORM SUPPORT! I've finally got the graphics creation (such as hulls, portraits, etc.) working on more than just Windows! But this will require an entire re-write. So, SsC2X will support Windows, Linux, and Android (and in theory, it should support OSX and iPhone, but I have no way of testing it).
Second, the "X" is for eXpanded! Hulls are more than just one shape. Alien races now have portraits. I'll actually be able to procedurally make space stations, etc. On top of that, there will be more in the way of missions and crews. And hopefully, everything else I've wanted in this game!
So why not Starship Command 3?Well, I've always thought I'd save 3 for when I can figure out how to make it in 3D.
So where in development is it now?Currently, I've got the basics down for generating hulls, alien portraits, and languages (the core of an empire) and I decided to release a preview tool to generate these on Windows, Linux (Experimental).