Stats Simulator!

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Prototype Explanation!

The game is about simulating the affects of Status! with Status Everything is also Decided by Stats! The gameplay is pure Chaotic, this game was made just for fun, and for a hobby, it has a ton of things in it, Secrets that no one will totally find since its super hard to find, there's Secrets with only a specified stats can be able to go, and you can fight monsters idle or real time combat, anything I can think of or want to add to the game I will so that's why chaotic, the easiest way to describe this game is a all in one Text-based Rpg bundle game.

Play the game if!

This type of game is definitely only for a certain type of people, Again this is for a hobby so its chaotic, if you like the type of game that has a lot of secrets in it, a lot of content in it not specified at only one type of thing then this is your game, this game is made to be able to create any  type of content easily, or at least that's the goal.

Current Game Content!

The game will have any or all type of things but the main content is Text-Based Rpg with stats as its core, The game content is really decided by what I feel so I cannot empathize this enough when I say its Chaos.

The game is currently on Prototype! if you like the Idea of the game or want to help make it a official Development Please Send a bit of feedback and  Review to help the projects Growth!Instructions!    


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Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Feb 12, 2021

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