Leaving radioactive garbage around made STEEL CITY unlivable? Who knew! So we've been hanging out here in the sticks for a while, waiting for that stuff to chill out. And by a while, I mean 1024 YEARS. And by the sticks, I mean space. Or something. You could say, "IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME, BUT WE'RE NOT DONE YET". If you were so inclined.
But there's hope. We have this cool new tech that will help us fix our oopsies. What if drones, but vacuum cleaners? Woah, totally new invention! We figure that each drone will last EXACTLY 60 SECONDS in the fallout before crumbling to dust, enough time to pick up at least some of those pesky nuke poops. And when our drones pick up PRECISELY 2,147,483,647 of those suckas (don't ask me why that number), it's HOME TIME BABY!
So yeah. "IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME, BUT WE'RE NOT DONE YET". I don't know why, but that phrase has been buzzing around my head. Maybe I just need to get some sleep; I've been up for the past 7 days...
Controls?Totally. Use WASD or arrow keys to move.
Use Q and E or right shift and right ctrl to move up and down.
Use the mouse to spin around. Go nuts.
Ray tracing?Ray tracing. You need a compatible graphics card (e.g. NVidia RTX 3080) to do that, though. Good for you getting hold of one of those. If you don't have one, don't worry about it. Still works, not as shiny.
Procedurally Generated?Yes, procedurally generated. City layouts and isotope droppings are different every time you play.
Game Jams?Glad you asked! This game is part of Epic Megajam 2020, 7DFPS, and PROCJAM. Game jams are cool.
Questions?send tweet @lasersink