Stellar Quest
Something has happened with the constellations of space, suddenly, many of them went out and stopped emitting their brightness. Cosmo, guardian of the constellations, was sleeping one of his millennial dreams. When she wakes up, she realizes that she will have a lot of work from now on.
- Cartoon 3D models
- 2 Constellations and 7 planets to explore
- A lot of puzzles to solve
- A lot of collectables to find.
- Unlockeable spirits habilities
Game name creditsDavid Borrego Producer, Developer
Macarena Vizuete 3D Artist, Concept Artist
Marc López Game design, Developer
Adrià Órtiz Developer/Scriptwriter
Mario Pérez VFX Artist
Gloria Laforet Music & Sound Effects
Xavi Martínez Music & Sound Effects
If you have any problem feel free to contact us~
Thank you for download the game, or sharing it with other people, we appreciate it, that helps us improving the game~!
Gmail [email protected]