Stellar Studying
Study aid game targeted at elementary and middle school students for information retention. Create a question file for use in the game via the following conventions, and play with them in game!
Question file formatting:
QUESTION: What is the name of this project?
A: Game
ANSWER: Stellar Studying
C: Big Project
D: I don't know
QUESTION: How much does it cost?
ANSWER: Nothing!
B: $100
There can be 1-4 answer options, and QUESTION and ANSWER tags must be capitalized. Additionally, the file containing the questions must be saved as a text file (.txt). Once the above criteria are met, boot the game and drop the file into the import box in the game menu. If the number of questions is not consistent or there is an error, check the error log in the menu and correct.
Programming, art, and design by Jake Isley