Stellar Trader
A game about trading amongst the stars.
PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS, OTHERWISE YOU WILL NOT KNOW HOW TO PLAY! IntroThe game is about creating trade routes between planets, to maximise exports through a warp gate.
ControlsPress space to switch between solar mode and trade mode. Solar mode is where the planets are orbiting the warp gate, while trade mode is where the planets are all easily visible.
Click a planet to zoom in. Backspace to zoom back out.
Control click a planet to build on it. This will create exports and imports. If the planet is red, it is locked and need its imports delivered to it. The symbols on top of a planet are its exports, and the symbols below are its imports.
Shift click two planets to create a trade route between them. The first planet delivers to the second. Make sure the exports of the first planet match the imports of the second planet. You can export red triangles through the warp gate for points. Shift click the planet with red triangles (must export yellow circles to it first) and then shift click the warp gate. Press x to cancel a trade route.
You can control click a planet with no imports or exports to upgrade it. It produces more exports, but needs more imports.
Press tab to create a new solar system. Not all solar systems can create points.
CreditsSprites and code - me.
Sound - and jfxr (sfxr javascript port)