STEM Apocalypse
STEM Apocalypse
4 scientists experts on Science, technology, engineering and Mathematics traveled to space with their goal of apply their knowledge to save a planet, during the trip, an accident fusion all 4 scientist joined themselves in one; a new traveler collide in his destiny planet where creatures anti-science, anti-Mathematics, anti-Technology and anti-engineering (anti-STEM) lives, he must use their knowledge in order to save the planet and survive.
- Move: WASD
- Shoot: Left Click
- AIM: Mouse
- Special Attack: Right CLick
- Change Faction: Space Bar
Developed by:
- Jimmy Andres Moya Suarez (Darkkarix)
- Brayan Arley Tabares Chaparro (MrParadax)
- Juan Pablo Triviño Monje
- Daniel Alberto Rosales Castro
- Tomas Felipe Ramirez
- Jose Daniel Herrera (Zafire Dragoon)